Tuesday, February 5, 2019

A Visit From the Mayor!

We finished up our government unit at the end of 2nd quarter.  The students learned about how our country originally started with 13 colonies ruled by Great Britain.  It's so interesting for the students to learn how our country fought for its independence and began electing our own officials to run our government.  We held a classroom election where the students chose a classroom job to run for.  We then voted and elected students to those jobs for a week.  Pictures below are of the students filling out their ballots.

This conversation lead to who runs our town?  We contacted our mayor, Jason Resseman, and invited him to come to 2nd grade for a visit.  We brainstormed a list of questions we wanted to ask him.  We wondered what his duties are, if he campaigned, what his favorite part of being mayor is, what he most likes about Lanesboro, how projects are decided upon, and so much more!

Our questions lead to a great conversation.  We learned that he ran for mayor because he wanted to be really involved in the town he's raising his daughter in.  He also said that he works closely with the city council and the city clerk and administrator to get things done in town.  He feels Lanesboro is a fantastic place to live and doesn't necessarily need to be changed.  Mayor Reeseman said his favorite part about being mayor is getting out into the community and doing things like visiting our classroom.  We asked how we can impact Lanesboro as kids.  He said that just doing kind things like helping your neighbor or picking up trash when you see it is a way to help Lanesboro.

We loved our visit.  Thank you so much for taking the time to help us learn more about you and the duties of being mayor!

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