Sunday, September 9, 2018

First Week of 2nd Grade!

We had a great first week in 2nd grade!  The beginning of the year includes a lot of learning about how we go through our day as 2nd graders from the moment we enter our classroom to the moment we leave!  That's a lot to learn, and this group has done a fantastic job!  I've been so proud of all of their hard work!

The students have learned about their morning routine of selecting their drink with their milk stick, making their snack choice, and then working on their wake up work.

After our wake up work and morning meeting we begin our Daily 5 reading block.  We start the year with building stamina for read-to-self.  It's important for the students to be able to maintain their focus on their independent reading so they can continue to get that essential practice even if they're not meeting with me in a small group during that round of Daily 5.

We learned how to shop for books in our classroom library.  The kids couldn't wait to get into our library and pick out their own books.   We also learned about read-to-someone and practiced!

At the end of our day we've been working on a watercolor art project that goes along with our theme of being "2nd Grade Busy Birds."  What a wonderful week!

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