Tuesday, February 5, 2019

The Spaghetti Noodle Tower Challenge

We've started our engineering unit in the last few weeks.  We learned that engineers design and build things to solve problems.  They use creative and innovative ideas.  We've also learned that there are different types of engineers. Some may create new things, some take things apart to see how they work, and some study why things don't work.

Our first task we took on as engineers was to make a tower out of 30 spaghetti noodles, 30 marshmallows, and a foot of tape.  The goal was to build the tallest standing tower.  The class knew they would get 2 class periods to work on it.   The groups enthusiastically got right to work.

Groups soon found that this was more challenging than anticipated.  Spaghetti noodles snapped easily and marshmallows were gooey.  Each group had to build and rebuild and really put their problem solving brains to use.  How each group handles this can really impact the outcome.  Many groups ended that first day feeling as though this was an impossible task!

When we gathered again we talked first about the value of working together as a team.  The groups all said that when they were frustrated and didn't listen to each other, they didn't make progress on their towers.  We next addressed the structure of the tower.  Most groups started with a big, wobbly base.  We brainstormed ways to make the base stronger in order to be off to a better start.

Day 2 was a complete 180 from the previous work session.  The students embraced the concept of teamwork!  They were listening to each other and helping each other!  Structures were building up taller and taller! I was so proud to see how they had come together to accomplish this goal!

Today we measured our towers.  I emphasized that it doesn't matter in the end which tower is the tallest.  What matters is the value of the teamwork we learned from this project.

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